Financial Planning

Standing up your \”money dummy\”: How a personal financial model helps you own your future

It’s no secret many workers hate their jobs – so it’s no wonder the FIRE movement has gotten so much attention – even its own movie! However, two recent posts on Reddit’s Financial Independence forum highlight our job-hating emotions perfectly: \”The only reason I am interested in FIRE is I HATE my job\”  describes one individual\’s …

Standing up your \”money dummy\”: How a personal financial model helps you own your future Read More »

Kat’s story: Quitting your day job for “Barista FI”

Kat is living proof that creating a financial plan you can trust is the key to living your dream lifestyle. After starting a career in forestry, health challenges required Kat to take two years away from full-time work. To make ends meet, she cobbled together part-time gigs doing house cleaning, driving an airport shuttle, and …

Kat’s story: Quitting your day job for “Barista FI” Read More »

First-Time Homebuyer? Here’s How to Prepare Financially

If you\’re a first-time homebuyer and looking for a smattering of advice from across the internet, check out this article on REDFIN\’s blog. The article features our founder, Tyson Koska — and his advice on the topic: \”Key to purchasing your first home is knowing exactly ‘how much home’ to buy. Do not simply buy …

First-Time Homebuyer? Here’s How to Prepare Financially Read More »

Get Thee to School!

We\’re partnering with Montana Money Adventures to bring you Money Coach School – and it\’s now OPEN! What is Money Coach School? It\’s for people who love personal finance and want help others make progress on their personal financial journey – it\’s everything you need to get started building a business or a passion-project you love! What\’s Covered? There …

Get Thee to School! Read More »

Becoming the Landlord: Advice and Insight to Generate Income from Rentals

There are a lot of ways to make side-income in the modern world, and rental property is – how do you say – a classic. For many, it may seem daunting or scary, but it’s easier than ever to own and rent-out property. Technology has made researching, acquiring, and advertising real estate more streamlined and more transparent …

Becoming the Landlord: Advice and Insight to Generate Income from Rentals Read More »

October Update: New OnTrajectory Features

OnTrajectory has two new features this month: Updating Progress & Cost Basis 1. Updating Progress While you\’ve been able to track your Progress over time in OnTrajectory, we\’ve revised the math behind the \”Future Projection\” of that progress. Previously, only the total between your Trajectory and Progress was considered. Now, we consider each Account\’s \”% Growth\” rate individually, meaning more accurate future projections. We\’ve also made the interface more informative …

October Update: New OnTrajectory Features Read More »