Financial Models

Mitch Sturgeon — Personal Financial Planning by VOICE!

Mitch Sturgeon has an amazing story. Diagnosed with an aggressive form of MS in 2001, the disease slowly and relentlessly  deprived him of his outdoor passions.  Golf, snowmobiling, hiking – all had to be abandoned. In 2009, a year after his first wheelchair purchase, he took medical retirement from his chemical engineering career and began …

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It’s Tax Time!

OnTrajectory can help you both more accurately estimate your future taxes as well as help you minimize the taxes you\’ll pay in the future. We do this in 3 different ways. 1. Automatically Calculate Taxes Tax rates are defined within your Default Account (the top account in your account list), and you can define different tax rates for different periods of your life using age …

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Fear and Loathing in Volatile Markets

Lately, we’ve seen wide, uncomfortable swings in the stock market – which have only been exasperated by the recent warmongering between Russia and Ukraine. Back in January, the market’s overall value fluctuated 5% in a single day; and by January 27th folks’ portfolios had lost nearly 10% of their value since the beginning of the …

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Standing up your \”money dummy\”: How a personal financial model helps you own your future

It’s no secret many workers hate their jobs – so it’s no wonder the FIRE movement has gotten so much attention – even its own movie! However, two recent posts on Reddit’s Financial Independence forum highlight our job-hating emotions perfectly: \”The only reason I am interested in FIRE is I HATE my job\”  describes one individual\’s …

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Becoming the Landlord: Advice and Insight to Generate Income from Rentals

There are a lot of ways to make side-income in the modern world, and rental property is – how do you say – a classic. For many, it may seem daunting or scary, but it’s easier than ever to own and rent-out property. Technology has made researching, acquiring, and advertising real estate more streamlined and more transparent …

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October Update: New OnTrajectory Features

OnTrajectory has two new features this month: Updating Progress & Cost Basis 1. Updating Progress While you\’ve been able to track your Progress over time in OnTrajectory, we\’ve revised the math behind the \”Future Projection\” of that progress. Previously, only the total between your Trajectory and Progress was considered. Now, we consider each Account\’s \”% Growth\” rate individually, meaning more accurate future projections. We\’ve also made the interface more informative …

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