October Update: New OnTrajectory Features

OnTrajectory has two new features this month: Updating Progress & Cost Basis

1. Updating Progress
While you\’ve been able to track your Progress over time in OnTrajectory, we\’ve revised the math behind the \”Future Projection\” of that progress. Previously, only the total between your Trajectory and Progress was considered. Now, we consider each Account\’s \”% Growth\” rate individually, meaning more accurate future projections.

We\’ve also made the interface more informative and easier to use, as shown below:


2. Cost Basis
In some situations, you may want to set the \”cost basis\” for the Starting Balance of an account. This is the amount of un-taxed contributions when it\’s first defined in OnTrajectory.

Typically, defining a Cost Basis is only significant if you have a large account with sizable prior growth (such as a mutual fund that\’s been growing for some time) and for which you have not paid taxes on the growth. This option is available only for accounts that have a Tax Type of \”Tax-Deferred (gains only)\”. For more information on Tax Types, see the guide Modeling Accounts and Taxes.

As a reminder, OnTrajectory is completely INDEPENDENT and not affiliated with any financial product or services company. Our goal is to provide the easiest and most flexible tool on the web. Our unbiased approach helps you visualize your long-term financial future unlike any other planner currently available to consumers.