You\’ve probably noticed these little guys –> <– showing up all over OnTrajectory.
Each one launches you into a Guide right where you need to be. \’Context-sensitive\’ is what they call it, which really means you don\’t have to go to the Main Menu to find information — you can get it fast, when you need it.
Once you\’re in a Guide, you\’ll now see a handy Table of Contents at the top of each. These are all linked inside the Guide, again to help you both see what information is available, but also to get to it quickly — see sample below:
Finally, \”All Guides — Table of Contents\” is now located in the Main Menu. The list of topics continues to grow every month as new features are released, here is the current Guide list:
1. Getting Started with OnTrajectory
2. Modeling Income
3. Modeling Expenses
4. Modeling Accounts & Taxes
5. Adding a Spouse / Owner
6. Tracking Progress
7. Setting Goals
8. Monte Carlo and Historical Analysis
9. Creating and Managing Scenarios
10. Understanding Output Data
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