A few weeks ago, we asked for your input – and you provided it! Luckily, our two key planned initiatives for 2018 were near the top of the list:
- Account Aggregation – allow data from financial sites to automatically be aggregated in OT to track progress and see how changes in market conditions may effect your long-term financial future. Requested by 44% of respondents.
- Monte Carlo Expanded Output and Visibility into Underlying Data – expansion of results our Monte Carlo (and Historical) Analyses. Provide quartile success percentages and the ability to view / export data from underlying runs. Requested by 28% of respondents.
For those interested, here\’s the rest of the list. Note: In order to assimilate items we generalized requests so you may not see the exact wording from your response.
3 | Return-Rate Recommendations based on risk-tolerance, timeline, etc. | 20% |
4 | Ability to \”Update Progress\” directly in the Account table | 18% |
5 | Tax-Optimal Spending and Drawdown Strategy Recommendations | 16% |
6 | Social Security Recommendations | 14% |
7 | Geographical Cost Impact (healthcare, gas, medical, food, etc) | 14% |
8 | Sample Scenarios by Goal (spending / saving strategies, pitfalls) | 12% |
9 | Expanded Wizard-Driven Setup/Configuration | 10% |
10 | Healthcare Cost Recommendations | 8% |
11 | Expanded Asset Class Allocation and ability to allocate by Index | 8% |
12 | Compare Historical / MC results to various Indexes | 6% |
13 | Account Grouping with ability to show / hide members | 4% |
14 | Withdrawal Rate Column in data output | 4% |
15 | Asset Class Transition from one distribution to another | 4% |
16 | Roth \”Ladder\” | 2% |
17 | Mobile App | 2% |
After completing items 1 & 2, we will pick up the rest in priority order. Although we can\’t make promises for 2018, we\’re hoping to make good progress on this list!
Again, thanks so much for your interest and your input. You\’ll be hearing from us regularly as we roll-out new features throughout 2018.
Tyson Koska
Founder, OnTrajectory.com